hokkaido milk bread - Two Red Bowls (2024)

hokkaido milk bread - Two Red Bowls (1)

hokkaido milk bread - Two Red Bowls (2)

This week, a new class of associatesis starting at my firm. This is strangefor a whole host of reasons (like, wait, I still don’t know anything, how can anyone be junior to me?) but mostly because it doesn’t feel like a whole year has passed since I started. Maybe the thing that stands out to me most about this new “grown” quotidian is that time suddenly feels a little unchained. Instead of living life inneat, segmented bites of time, fed to us through semesters, summerbreaks, and midterms, it’s now nebulous seasons, the next three-day weekend, a new wave of co-workers.

So it all feels more free-form, and hallmarks seem to ambush me a little more. (Do not let me say “I can’t believe it’s almost [insert monthor holiday]” again. … But reallyI can’t believe it’s almost October.) I realized while making this bread that it was only about a year ago that I first ventured into baking with yeast. Which is remarkable, because even though I still find rising dough completely crazy —it’s alive —it’s now hard to imagine a kitchen without it.

hokkaido milk bread - Two Red Bowls (3)

This loaf might just be my favorite yeasty recipe in my nascent bread-making life. I was a tad freaked when I first started testing recipes for it, given that Hokkaido milk bread has a reputation just about as lofty as its sky-high crumb — but thanks to a recipe adapted from this one by Christine’s Recipes, the result was everything I imagined it would be. Soft, wispy sheets of bread with a rich, tender crumb and just a touch of sweetness, good enough to eat plain, but even better toasted and smothered in condensed milk. You can find the recipe on Food52.

Wishing you all lovely weeks ahead!

hokkaido milk bread - Two Red Bowls (4)

hokkaido milk bread - Two Red Bowls (5)

hokkaido milk bread - Two Red Bowls (6)

hokkaido milk bread - Two Red Bowls (7)

hokkaido milk bread - Two Red Bowls (8)

hokkaido milk bread - Two Red Bowls (9)

hokkaido milk bread - Two Red Bowls (10)

hokkaido milk bread - Two Red Bowls (11)

hokkaido milk bread - Two Red Bowls (12)

hokkaido milk bread - Two Red Bowls (13)

hokkaido milk bread - Two Red Bowls (14)

hokkaido milk bread - Two Red Bowls (15)

hokkaido milk bread - Two Red Bowls (16)

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  1. Tieghan

    This is the prettiest bread ever. It looks incredibly fluffy and perfect! Gorgeous photos!


    • tworedbowls

      You’re the sweetest, Tieghan — thank you so much!!


  2. myriam | rhubarb! rhubarb! rhubarb!

    I’m so impressed: your breads are always so gorgeous that I can’t believe you’ve only been breadmaking for a year. I’ve tried a few breads here and there, but they’re never this pretty!

    A new school year with new students always unnerve me. It’s like Harry Potter: no matter when your birthday is, it’s actually September / the beginning of the school year that marks how we’re growing up.


    • tworedbowls

      It is unnerving, isn’t it?! And so funny — you’re right, I feel like September will always feel more like a beginning than January 🙂 Thank you so much for your kind words, Myriam! I’m sure you could make this bread!!


  3. Laura (Tutti Dolci)

    Gorgeous bread, the texture looks incredible!


    • tworedbowls

      Thank you so much, Laura!!


  4. stephanie

    i love your dreamy photos cynthia. and i love that you kneaded by hand. i’ve been dreaming of making milk toast, but with my kitchen aid in storage i didn’t know if it was possible by hand, but now i know it is! 😀


    • tworedbowls

      <3 <3 <3 Next time I have to try this milk toast with your homemade condensed milk!!


  5. Bea

    So beautiful!I love the way you photograph your stories 🙂


  6. mandylee@ladyandpups

    IF you have me over as guest, and found me say, in the morning half-naked, bending down and sinking my face in one of these open loaf… Not eating… Just simply sniffing and inhaling…. Don’t. Call. The. Police.


  7. Ice at foolproofliving.com

    This looks so so so good.
    Fluffy, moist… I can only imagine how your kitchen smells after it comes out of the oven. 🙂


  8. sara

    lovely – so i must ask – where did you get your lovely dress/apron(?) you are wearing? it’s gorgeous!


    • tworedbowls

      Oh, thank you so much!!! 🙂 It’s from Brandy Melville — I got it a few years ago, but I think it’s the Jada dress! <3 <3


  9. Lindsey

    love these captures, cynthia! and that bread looks so delightfully plump!

    i am totally with you on the whole yeast/rise/it’s alive situation! i rarely use it (mostly because i’m too afraid to test any gluten free bread recipes out), but i made a couple of challahs this past week to bring to my parent’s house for rosh hashanah; and i was so, so happy to get back in the yeast/gluten groove! have a great week, lovely! xo


  10. Karishma

    This looks so soft and delicious! My brother is actually starting work at a firm this week, too!


  11. Our Food Stories

    looks so amazing and delish!! would love to have it as a midnight snack now 😀
    best wishes from berlin
    nora & laura


  12. dinnersforwinners

    OH my goodness! Those are the cutest little perfect buns of bread! I’m so so happy you posted this, Cynthia because I have always wanted to try it and have been just a hair intimidated. Thank you for testing for us! With cooler weather returning (uhhhh soon, I hope!) I can’t wait to bake and bake and bake. Starting with this. Gosh, toasted with condensed milk YES PLEASE! I love it! I had this amazing coconut jam or something in New York at a Filipino brunch spot. I still dream about it on pandan. Nope — pandesal. Or something? I’m rambling. I always love looking at your photos, they’re so beautifully and expertly done!


  13. ellie | fit for the soul

    Oh daaaanngggg look at those rolls! Okay that sounds weird, hehe. But in all seriousness, this is so so beautiful! I too have become obsessed with yeast breads and just can’t seem to NOT bake with them nowadays. 😀 Seeing the magic of yeast happen is just so much fun. And man, these pictures are so gorgeous! I can’t imagine how tricky it must have been to photograph these.


  14. Chelsea (@TheWholeBite)

    Your photos are seriously gorgeous! (And I’m obsessed with that dress). I think making bread is so relaxing. Definitely going to have to try this one out soon!


  15. Meghan

    These might just be some of my favorite photos of yours, but it’s hard to say considering how lovely your photography always is. Either way, this entire post is simply beautiful. My bread would never come out as perfectly as this, but I might give it a try anyway; it sounds dreamy!


  16. wallflourgirl

    Time DOES sprout wings, doesn’t it? I had the same feeling when I looked at my friend over lunch the other day and had to remind him he’s a third-year–and I’m a year above him! Geesh. It’s probably been a year since I started making yeast breads, too–and I really do love sweet breads. Great share, Cynthia!


  17. thelittleloaf

    Ever since I saw this on Instagram I’ve been desperate to have a go at baking it, looks so so good. Pillows of bready perfection.


  18. Kimberly Espinel (@TLPlantation)

    It’s so inspiring to read that you’ve only been using yeast for 1 year So there is hope for me still 😉
    Thanks for sharing
    P.S. I adore the pics


  19. Alanna Taylor-Tobin

    Everything about this post just slays me. That egg cracking shot!! And what is going on in that last one? Out of control!


  20. theclevercarrot

    You nailed it girl! Seriously. Life is better with homemade bread, isn’t it? 😉


  21. Erika

    Hey boo hey boo.. whoa.. this is ah-mazin… Like Lawdy.. I love the process shots.. 🙂


  22. Jess

    I know that feeling! It was so odd to have a new batch of grads come through the door, realising that I had been there for 1.5yrs and still feeling so overwhelmed. It’s been 5 years and I still get the same uneasy feeling every time a new cohort come through the door! This bread looks delicious, I’ve just started experimenting with brioche so I might have to add this onto the list! Thanks!!


  23. Elizabeth

    Feeling bolstered by this approachable recipe –– I’m usually the worst with yeasted stuff, but almost feel like I could do it. And your images are just ***stunning.***


  24. nicole

    This is the prettiest, fluffiest loaf I’ve ever seen! I definitely want the mattress version 🙂


  25. Rashida

    Hi dearie!
    This is the prettiest blog I’ve come across.
    I am following you to see more of your ventures.
    Oh god when I am baking this beautiful loaf.
    hmm, sometimes when I’ll come out of my laziness.
    Love & hugs!


  26. Ileana

    Smother the freshly baked bread in condensed milk?? Heck yes!


  27. Abby

    These photographs are so, so gorgeous, Cynthia! Love! 🙂


  28. Grace

    Currently waiting for my bread to come out the oven. Was so inspired by your photos I just had to make this my weekend project! So excited. Thank you for the recipe on f52


  29. AmyK

    I made this last week and blogged about it here: http://www.hellokelinda.com/2014/10/hokkaido-milk-bread/

    The first version I tried proofing in the fridge overnight but it never came back to life the next day. Boooo. But the second time, I made it without overnight proofing and it was amazing! Your instructions are so clear, and the flavor reminds me of my childhood visits to the Asian bakery. 🙂 Thank you for this! I may try rolling in some coconut and milk powder with the next batch too, or maybe some cinnamon and raisins!


  30. Alida @ Simply Delicious

    Your photos are beyond gorgeous. Also, I’d like to shove that entire loaf in my face.


  31. Tracey

    Hi! Looks wonderful! Where do we get the recipe? TY


  32. Kimi

    so cool! I’m gonna try this!


  33. cococakeland

    you are the MASTER OF THE FROZEN IN TIME FOOD PREP SHOT. that big old dolloping egg yolk, that perfect pour of milk … love your photos so much, cynthia! bookmarking this recipe, too … tagged “ASIAN” hehe!! xoxo


  34. Shef Sherry

    Cynthia, I loved your recipe so much that I featured it in my latest post! Credited to you of course, with a link back to TwoRedBowls. I added a little something special to my version. I’d love it if you’d check it out, and thanks again for this recipe!


  35. Michele

    Hi! I’ve been looking for a recipe like this for AGES so thanks! How big is the tin you used? I just bought a Pullman loaf tin to make this bread and when it arrived, I realised it is HUGE. It’s a 1200 gram tin. I take it your recipe doesn’t make that large a loaf? Should I double or triple the quantities in your recipe?


    • tworedbowls

      Hi Michele! Did you ever try this out with the 1200g tin? From a quick Google it looked like the 1200g tin was 15×5, so I think a double batch would work well, perhaps baked it a bit longer — I used a 9×4 tin for this loaf. I figure I’m way way too late to be of any help to you, but hope that you found a recipe that worked for your tin!!


  36. panivorousirks

    Hello! I made these milk bread yesterday and they were so soft and tasty *just that I placed them on the upper rack and they browned too quickly! Nevertheless, this bread is so addictive. Love Asian Breads!

    Chocolate swirled milk bread will be even more delish!

    Thank you for being such an inspiration! 🙂


  37. Jops

    Hello! This has been my favorite milk bread recipe and has used it a few times, so THANK YOU!!! but just last night, I doubled the recipe, because the husband requested for me to double it since this loaf doesn’t really last that long,( we could eat it in a day, it’s that gooood! ) Anyway, I baked them today, and they turned out as expected: soft, fluffy, and really dreamy….But! They kinda smell like alcohol, or like some gas. They tasted a bit like alcohol too. Wondered maybe if I used too much yeast? Or I over proofed my dough? Maybe when I double again the recipe, I shouldn’t double the yeast? Much thanks for your reply! 🙂


    • tworedbowls

      Hi Jops! I’m SO happy to hear that you liked the recipe, but sorry you had issues when you doubled it! I actually have had that alcohol smell happen to my bread a few times in the past too, mostly when I’ve done overnight proofs. My theory is that it happens when I seal the container too tightly and the gas from the yeast can’t escape — do you remember if yours was sealed well? Like you suggested, though, I’ve also found that it’s also more likely to happen when the dough has more yeast (though I think you still did the right thing by doubling it exactly!) so you could try using 2 tsp yeast for the double batch instead of 3 tsp and that should be fine, especially with a long cool rise in the refrigerator.

      I’d love to hear how it goes if you try it out again! Hope the next round works out better — and thank you so much for the kind words!


      • Jops

        Thank you so much for your kind reply! Yes, I remembered my bowl was sealed tightly with cling film during proofing.

        So, anyway, I doubled again the recipe, but used just 2 1/4 tsp of yeast. I also didn’t do an overnight proof this time, just a maximum of 5hrs proofing at room temp, not in the fridge. And they turned out perfect like the very first time I had it. 🙂 Although I think just a 2 tsp of yeast would be enough for a beautiful, tall rise.

        Also, this time, I turned your bread into chocolate and milk marble bread, added some cocoa to some of my dough before the first rise so that I can get my kids more excited for their bread for breakfast. I posted it on instagam and hashtag the recipe to #tworedbowls . So again, Thank you so so much for this recipe! It has really become our family’s favorite bread. All the best! 😊



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  2. […] Hokkaido Milk Bread…looks so fluffy and […]


  3. […] Oh and thisJapanese […]


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  8. […] Tác giả:Two Red Bowls […]


  9. […] Recipe from Two Red Bowls. […]


  10. […] Hokkaido Milk Bread – Food52 (recipe by Two Red Bowls) […]


hokkaido milk bread - Two Red Bowls (2024)
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Name: Trent Wehner

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