Trading Lifeskill Guide - BDFoundry (2024)

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2.Trading Basics

2.1.How and Where to buy Trade Goods

2.2.Order Contracts

2.3.Transporting Goods


2.5.How to Sell and Bargain

3.Price Changes and NPC Rumors

3.1.Old Moon Guild Newsletter

3.2.How to confirm Rumors

3.3.Rumor Locations

3.4.Using Rumors to make Profit

4.Mysterious Giant Merchant Guild

5.List of Trade Goods (Purchasable)

6.Distance Bonus

7.Crate Trading

7.1.Where to setup your Trading Empire

7.2.Selling and Transporting the Crates

8.Leveling Trading (Trading EXP Buffs)

9.Other Trading Gear (Riding Crops)

10.Trading Byproducts

11.Trading Leap Quests


Since the 17th January 2024 update, Trading has been temporarily disabled while the developers find new ways to revamp the Life Skill. This means you cannot buy or obtain trade items at the moment.

The Trading Life skill was revamped on 6th April 2023, introducing some much-needed changes to the life skill and completely changing the trading system. Therefore, older guides and methods may not be viable anymore, so please bare this in mind if you are searching for information about Trading. That being said, this guide will go over everything we currently know.

Active trading now revolves around players aiming for profitable sales, and requires you to study the price trends in order to help make decisions about when to buy trade goods, how many to buy, where to store them, and when to sell them.

Major changes in the 6th April update:

  • Trade items can now only be bought at designated nodes, and sold in major cities
  • Now the price warranty on an item is based on the time of purchase
  • The Desert Trading Buff has been removed, and prices of crafted trade items have been adjusted to compensate
  • Trade items can be stored in a special “Order Contract Log”
  • Trade prices change at a set time (every 4 hours) and fluctuate based on random sales
  • A “special fluctuation” can occur in an entire region, changing the prices significantly, and you can find information on the price changes through “rumors” by the NPCs in each region

Trading Basics

Things to know before you get started:

  • You can sell the goods to any Trade Administer in a city, however, you must make sure to link the nodes to gain more profit. If you don’t link the nodes, you will lose 70% of the value. If you don’t know how to link nodes, click here to view our Nodes guide.
  • Your profits depend heavily on rumors and your bargain bonus when selling. Your bargain bonus is higher if you have higher trading level.
  • Some items cannot be bought unless you have a higher trading level.

How and Where to buy Trade Goods

To buy trade goods, you first need to find a Trade Manager NPC and press “R” to talk to them. Then, click the “Trade” option to view the goods they sell.

You can only purchase trade goods from certain Trade Managers in each region. Below is a list of NPCs you can purchase goods from:

TerritoryRegionNPC Name
Trading Lifeskill Guide - BDFoundry (1)BalenosWestern Guard CampLuke
Bartali FarmEmma Bartali
Trading Lifeskill Guide - BDFoundry (2)SerendiaGlishLarc
Eastern GatewayBreman
Alejandro FarmAmadeo Alejandro
Trading Lifeskill Guide - BDFoundry (3)CalpheonKeplanHamir
Northern Wheat PlantationNorma Leight
Trading Lifeskill Guide - BDFoundry (4)MediahStonetail Horse RanchAsran
Trading Lifeskill Guide - BDFoundry (5)ValenciaShakatuTaphtar
Sand Grain BazaarAtui Balacs
Trading Lifeskill Guide - BDFoundry (6)KamasylviaOld Wisdom TreeObi Bellen
Acher Guard PostMunanslyn
Trading Lifeskill Guide - BDFoundry (7)DrieghanAhib Conflict ZoneSelena Aer
Marcha OutpostLadar
Dormann Lumber CampDormann
Trading Lifeskill Guide - BDFoundry (8)Mountain of Eternal WinterPilgrim’s EndLisae
Awina’s TailHuan
Camp BalacsJorg
  • On the left, under the “Quotation Board” you can view purchasable trade items under different categories (eg. Food, Medicine, Clothes, etc), and the number underneath in yellow shows the available stock to purchase.
    • All items have a maximum of 50 stock, and this resets every 4 hours, the reset time are 02:00, 06:00, 10:00, 14:00, 18:00, and 22:00 (UTC) every day.
  • Underneath the item name, you can see the current price and current price %. Items that are more expensive than their base price are shown in green (eg. 110%), and items that are cheaper than their base price are shown in red (eg. 95%).
  • Click the “Take” button and select how many of the item you would like to purchase.
  • On the right side, you can see your current cart. This shows what trade items you would like to purchase. You can also see how many spaces and weight they will take up in your “Order Contract”.
  • Click the purchase button when you are ready to buy the trade items.

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Order Contracts

Once you purchase trade goods, the items go into your “Order Contracts” storage. Order Contracts are separate for each Trading NPC, and are used to store the trade goods until you are ready to transport them.

Your Order Contracts can store up to 5 different types of trade items, and/or 20,000LT (66 items total).

For example:

  • Velia Wine x15
  • Velia Wine x10
  • Fox Fur x10
  • Velian Plank x10
  • Alchemist’s Red Reagent x10

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You automatically obtain a one-time fee for storing an item when you purchase the trade goods, and an additional fee is added every 4 hours if the items remain in your Order Contracts. These fees are paid using your Family Silver when you retrieve the items from the Order Contracts storage.

When you purchase any trade item, it will also automatically have a 7-day contract. If the trade items are not removed from the Order Contracts within 7 days, then the goods are spoiled, and can only be sold at 30% of the original purchase price.

To remove the Trade Goods from your Order Contracts, right-click the item and select how many you would like to place into your inventory (or nearby mount).

However, if you remove an item, you cannot place it back into the Order Contracts storage, and the item will have a 3-hour protection on the price, meaning the item will not lose value for 3 hours. If you do not deliver the item within 3 hours from removing it, the value will drop.

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You can also view your “Order Contracts” at any time, by going to the ESC menu > Life (F6) > Order Contracts. However, in order to remove the items, you still need to go to the specific Trade Manager.

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In the Order Contract UI, you can see the current Storage Fee for each item, the original price you paid for the item (in blue), and current selling price (in red). The selling price is the same for all regions, but you gain an extra bonus for travelling further distances to sell the item.

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Transporting Goods

There are 5 ways of transporting trade goods:

  1. Carrying goods on your back
    • This method is very slow and will slow your character’s movement speed.
    • The trade pack will go into your inventory and you can delete the item in your inventory to remove it.
    • The one benefit of this method is that you train your strength while carrying the goods.
  2. Using a mount (recommended for crate trading)
    • You can place trade goods on a donkey, camel, miniature elephant, or horse.
    • Put the trade goods onto your mount by pressing “F2” to put it into your mount’s inventory, or you can put your mount next to the trade manager and you will be asked whether you would like the goods to be put onto the mount.
    • You can also “overstack” a horse’s weight to put many trade items on it at once and then have the horse follow you as you run in front.
    • This method is the fastest way to transport a large number of trade crates (4000+) but only because the items stack.
  3. Using a wagon (recommended for active trading)
    • This is the best way of transferring a low amount of goods that do not stack in your inventory.
    • It can carry a high quantity of goods and has a high weight capacity.
    • To put trade goods onto a wagon put the wagon next to the trade manager and you will be asked whether you would like the goods to be put onto the vehicle.
    • The best wagon you can use is the Peridot Forest Path Wagon since it is the only wagon that does not have a limited lifespan.
  4. Using the transport wagon
    • This method allows you to put up to 20 trade goods (or up to 30,000 LT) onto an NPC wagon and the goods will be delivered to the town/city warehouse you choose, to sell them later on.
    • To put the goods onto an NPC trading wagon, put the goods into your warehouse then click the “Transport” option at the warehouse NPC.
    • Click “Send” at the top and then move the item from your warehouse into the transport window then select the town/city and the “Trade Wagon” option from the drop-down boxes.
    • Once you are ready, click “Send”. To receive the goods from the delivery, go to the town it was delivered to and go the Warehouse NPC.
    • Then click “Transport”, “Status” and “Receive”, you can then sell the goods yourself to the Trade Manager.
    • Using the NPC trading wagon does cost silver and can really cut into your profits. It is not advised because of the amount of profit you will lose.
  5. Using a boat
    • You can store trade goods onto a boat by going to the Wharf Manager, and then transport them across the sea.
    • If you are purchasing goods from Arehaza, it is best to use a boat and sell them at Altinova.


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Along trade routes, there may be bandits that may attack you and they can kill you if you are AFK and get stuck in the road. You cannot attack the bandits and should be able to easily outrun them but watch out if you are AFK or semi-AFK. You can see bandits on your map with this icon. If you are hit by bandits, you lose trade items since they can be destroyed (even if you do not die).

How to Sell and Bargain

All trade items (including Fish, Crafted Items, Ancient Gold Coins, etc.) can only be sold in towns and cities. in addition, you cannot sell purchased trade items in the same region you bought them from.

  • For example: if you purchase a trade item from Bartalli Farm (Balenos Region), you cannot sell it in Velia Town (Balenos Region).
  • You can still sell other trade items, such as Fish in the same region you obtained them from.

Below is a list of the NPCs where you can sell trade goods:

TerritoryTownNPC Name
Trading Lifeskill Guide - BDFoundry (15)BalenosVeliaBahar
Trading Lifeskill Guide - BDFoundry (16)SerendiaHeidelSuita
Trading Lifeskill Guide - BDFoundry (17)CalpheonCalpheonWolfgang


Lindsiyana Herba

Trading Lifeskill Guide - BDFoundry (18)MediahAltinovaQuina
Trading Lifeskill Guide - BDFoundry (19)ValenciaValencia CityBurita Allon

Yis Kunjamin

Trading Lifeskill Guide - BDFoundry (20)KamasylviaGránaOkiara
Trading Lifeskill Guide - BDFoundry (21)DrieghanDuvencruneTikara
Trading Lifeskill Guide - BDFoundry (22)Mountain of Eternal WinterEiltonBollona

Once you have arrived at a town/city you can sell the goods by going to the Trade Manager NPC and pressing “R”.

On the right, you will see a window that lists all of the goods you have. Click “Sell All” to sell the goods for the standard price, or click “Bargain” to spend 5 energy and try to increase your profit. If you fail to bargain it will not affect the price but you will have to spend 5 energy to try again.

Once you have clicked “Bargain” a window will pop up in the center of your screen. Underneath the scales, you will see 2 buttons. The button on the left has a chance of slightly moving the scales and the button on the right has a chance of greatly moving the scales. The idea is to move the scales up to 3 times and try to get them to balance perfectly. If you manage to balance the scales on your third turn, you will achieve “Bargain Success” and can then sell your goods for a higher price.

You can get more tries to move the scale by wearing the trading costume, the better the costume, the more extra tries you receive. You can also receive extra tries if you have higher amity with the trader.

Once again, please make sure the nodes are connected when selling trade goods. If the nodes are not connected you lose 70% of the item’s value. The only time this does not apply is for Fish.

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Trading Lifeskill Guide - BDFoundry (24)

Price Changes and NPC Rumors

Trade Market prices change every 4 hours. The time for these price changes is every day at 02:00, 06:00, 10:00, 14:00, 18:00, and 22:00 (UTC). At each price change, the prices can increase or decrease by a maximum of 15%.

However, the overall price of the trade item can go up to a maximum of 300% (3 times) of the original price or can decrease to 30% of the original price.

You can track the next price change using the “Trading” alert on our website menu. Use the bell icon to turn the alert on/off.

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As well as these basic price changes, there is also a “special price fluctuation” that can occur on certain items. This also happens every 4 hours at the same times as the regular price changes, and the special price fluctuation can increase the current price by up to x200% (doubling the price), or decrease the price by up to x50% (halving the price). The special price fluctuation is calculated after the normal price change.

For example:

  • You buy an item that is at 100% price
  • The normal price change occurs, adding +10% price. Now the price is 110%
  • At the same time, there is a x200% special price fluctuation. This means that you double the updated price of 110% (not the original price), putting the new item price to 220%.

Old Moon Guild Newsletter

Information about these “special price fluctuations” can be found in the “Old Moon Newsletter”, which you can view by going to the ESC menu > Life (F6) > Old Moon Guild Newsletter.

The newsletter will give you “rumors” about different items, which may give you a hint as to whether the item price is going to increase or decrease at the next price change.

However, the rumors are not always correct, and the actual price change may not happen, or maybe the complete opposite of the rumors. Therefore, you can check if a rumor is true by going to the relevant region town/city and observing the resident NPCs talking about the rumors themselves.

For example:

  • The newsletter may suggest that food prices are expected to go down because of poor food quality. However, when you go to the town, you hear that the NPCs actually really enjoy the food, meaning that the price will go up instead.

Even if the newsletter only mentions certain specific items, the prices of all items in that category will change.

Price is going down (current price X 50-99%)Price is going up (current price X 101-200%)





Slight Drop

Slight Rise





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How to confirm Rumors

The rumors are shown as speech bubbles above the NPCs head and the NPCs will give you hints about the items you can buy in that region.

For example, in the image below, the newsletter shows that there is a rise in the prices of Military Supplies in the Balenos Territory. When going to Velia, the NPCs can be seen saying “Why are the prices of weapons so high?” and “I’m not sure if the guards have enough weapons left”. This suggests that there is a demand for Military Supplies and that the rumors are true that the prices are going to rise. Therefore, you want to buy all trade goods in the Military Supplies category from Balenos, and then when the prices go up, sell them to any other region.

If the rumor is incorrect, there will either be no change at all, or the opposite may happen:

  • Hike <-> Plunge
  • Rise <-> Drop
  • Slight Rise <-> Slight Drop

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Trading Lifeskill Guide - BDFoundry (28)

Rumor Locations

If the rumors cannot be found at the locations, this usually means that the rumor is false.

Use the locations below to search for certain rumors, a group of NPCs will spawn at these locations.

RegionPrice Decrease Rumor LocationsPrice Increase Rumor Locations
  • General Goods – Elmos Berry (Luxury Vendor)
  • Raw Materials – Bahar (Trade Manager)
  • Clothes – Shiel (Central Market)
  • Medicine – Zaaira (Material Vendor)
  • Food – Lacy (Olvia)
  • Military Supplies – Tranan Underfoe (Blacksmith)
  • Luxuries – Marsella (Jeweler)
  • Relic – Lolly (Olvia Trade Manager)
  • General Goods – Clorine (General Goods)
  • Raw Materials – Bahar (Trade Manager)
  • Clothes – Sheil (Central Market)
  • Medicine – Zaaira (Material Vendor)
  • Food – Nadia Rowen (Olvia)
  • Military Supplies – Tranan Underfoe (Blacksmith)
  • Luxuries – Marsella (Jeweler)
  • Relic – Lolly (Olvia Trade Manager)
  • General Goods – Cleia (Heidel Fountain)
  • Raw Materials – Suita (Trade Manager)
  • Clothes – Cleia (Central Market)
  • Medicine – Lara (General Goods)
  • Food – Costa Farm Node
  • Military Supplies – Techthon (Blacksmith)
  • Luxuries – Dora Fonti (Jeweler)
  • Relic – Ficy (Workshop Manager)
  • General Goods – Cleia (Heidel Fountain)
  • Raw Materials – Suita (Trade Manager)
  • Clothes – Cleia (Central Market)
  • Medicine – Lara (General Goods)
  • Food – Costa Farm Node
  • Military Supplies – Techthon (Blacksmith)
  • Luxuries – Dora Fonti (Jeweler)
  • Relic – Ficy (Workshop Manager)
  • General Goods – Alchem (General Goods)
  • Raw Materials – Harden (Trade Manager)
  • Clothes – Breesman ( North Stable Keeper)
  • Medicine – Alfredo Lombardi (near bridge)
  • Food – Fredelles Herba (Tavern Keeper)
  • Military Supplies – Calpheon Bridge
  • Luxuries – Lilvayne (Work Supervisor)
  • Relic – Ashrogue (South Stable Keeper)
  • General Goods – Dobart (near the stairs)
  • Raw Materials – Elle Belucci (Central Market)
  • Clothes – Elle Belucci (Central Market)
  • Medicine – Ahr (Seed Vendor)
  • Food – Ahr (Seed Vendor)
  • Military Supplies – Lilvayne (Work Supervisor)
  • Luxuries – Giovanni Romano (Carpet Vendor)
  • Relic – Patrigio (Night Vendor)
  • General Goods – Nelople (General Goods)
  • Raw Materials – Quina (Trade Manager)
  • Clothes – Lucy Benkum (Central Market)
  • Medicine – Lashir (Material Vendor)
  • Food – Mariam (Innkeeper)
  • Military Supplies – Mevo Mauranan (Blacksmith)
  • Luxuries – Belgar (Jeweler)
  • Relic – Patrigio (Night Vendor)
  • General Goods – Nelople (General Goods)
  • Raw Materials – Quina (Trade Manager)
  • Clothes – Lucy Benkum (Central Market)
  • Medicine – Lashir (Material Vendor)
  • Food – Mariam (Innkeeper)
  • Military Supplies – Mevo Mauranan (Blacksmith)
  • Luxuries – Belgar (Jeweler)
  • Relic – Patrigio (Night Vendor)
  • General Goods – James Drucker
  • Raw Materials – Yis Kunjamin (North Trade Manager)
  • Clothes – Burita Allon (West Trade Manager)
  • Medicine – Pujarin (Material Vendor – outside)
  • Food – Nerasabi Alom (Innkeeper)
  • Military Supplies – Elfa (Blacksmith)
  • Luxuries – Ramanit (Storage Keeper)
  • Relic – Patrigio (Night Vendor)
  • General Goods – Jursin (General Goods)
  • Raw Materials – Yis Kunjamin (North Trade Manager)
  • Clothes – Burita Allon (West Trade Manager)
  • Medicine – Pujarin (Material Vendor – outside)
  • Food – Nerasabi Alom (Innkeeper)
  • Military Supplies – Elfa (Blacksmith)
  • Luxuries – Ramanit (Storage Keeper)
  • Relic – Patrigio (Night Vendor)
  • General Goods – Near Wandering Alchemist in Grana
  • Raw Materials – Okiara (South Trade Manager)
  • Clothes – Grelias (Central Market)
  • Medicine – Kara (Material Vendor)
  • Food – Herbin (Innkeeper)
  • Military Supplies – Dikzipo (Blacksmith)
  • Luxuries – Grelias (Central Market)
  • Relic – Grelias (Central Market)
  • General Goods – South Grana Bridge
  • Raw Materials – Okiara (South Trade Manager)
  • Clothes – Grelias (Central Market)
  • Medicine – Kara (Material Vendor)
  • Food – Herbin (Innkeeper)
  • Military Supplies – Dikzipo (Blacksmith)
  • Luxuries – Vipiko (Storage Keeper)
  • Relic – Kara (Material Vendor)
  • General Goods – Seiri (General Goods)
  • Raw Materials – Tikara (Trade Manager)
  • Clothes – Tamasa (Central Market)
  • Medicine – Derjeen (Material Vendor)
  • Food – Bamam (Innkeeper)
  • Military Supplies – Hughol (Blacksmith)
  • Luxuries – Siemo (Furniture Dealer)
  • Relic – Patrigio (Night Vendor)
  • General Goods – Seiri (General Goods)
  • Raw Materials – Tikara (Trade Manager)
  • Clothes – Tamasa (Central Market)
  • Medicine – Derjeen (Material Vendor)
  • Food – Bamam (Innkeeper)
  • Military Supplies – Hughol (Blacksmith)
  • Luxuries – Siemo (Furniture Dealer)
  • Relic – Patrigio (Night Vendor)
Mountain of
Eternal Winter
  • General Goods – Fughar
  • Raw Materials – Toma (Wind Nol’s Perch node)
  • Clothes – Rodawah (Erethea’s Belt Node)
  • Medicine – Tsetseg (Herb Researcher)
  • Food – Biyamba (Fruit Vendor)
  • Military Supplies – Vatu (Carpet Vendor)
  • Luxuries – Umter (Wintertime Vendor)
  • Relic – Kebernil (South Stable Keeper)
  • General Goods – Fughar
  • Raw Materials – Sharin (General Goods)
  • Clothes – Rodawah (Erethea’s Belt Node)
  • Medicine – Zibaya (General Goods)
  • Food – Biyamba (Fruit Vendor)
  • Military Supplies – Tazral (Blacksmith)
  • Luxuries – Aemaq (Basket Vendor)
  • Relic – Tazral (Blacksmith – north side of the bridge)

Using Rumors to make Profit

To make money with trading, you need to check the guild newsletter frequently. Pay attention to items that are rumored to “hike” or “rise”, since this means that the price is going to go up by a significant amount. Then, confirm whether or not the rumors are true. If the rumor is correct, purchase all items in that region for that trade item category. After the trade reset, you can sell them for large profit margins. Use a fast horse to run between the nodes, or swap to alts and check rumors, then purchase the items while you are there. Come back later with your wagon to deliver and sell them.

If you have extra time, you can also check “plunge” rumors, if they are incorrect, then there will either be no change to the price, or the opposite will happen (which will be a hike instead). Therefore, it is worth checking “plunge” rumors too, but only if you have spare time because they are more of a gamble.

It’s important to purchase all items that are going to hike up in price. Your instincts may tell you it is only worth buying the cheap items, but we can see that this is not actually the case:

  • For example: If an item costs 1,000,000 silver to purchase at 100%.
    • When that item is at 120%, it has a 1,200,000 silver selling price. With a x200% price hike, the price is doubled and is now worth 2,400,000 silver (1,200,000 silver difference).
    • When that item is at 50%, it has a 500,000 silver selling price. With a x200% price hike, the price is doubled and is now worth 1,000,000 silver (500,000 silver difference).

You can purchase a total of 66 items at each trade manager, this will fill the max weight of your Order Contracts. Since you can only buy a maximum of 50 stock, you will need to swap channels to purchase the last 16 items.

If you are serious about trading, it is worth investing in a Peridot Forest Path Wagon since it is the only wagon that doesn’t have a limited lifespan. You can fit 22 items in this wagon, allowing you to sell the items in just 3 trips.

I also recommend joining the Lifeskill Discord, because there is an NA and EU thread in the #trading channel. Players post confirmations about the rumors in this channel so you can easily check them to save time.

Mysterious Giant Merchant Guild

When the price of a trade item stays between 30% – 40% of the original price for 3 trade resets (12 hours), it causes the Mysterious Giant Merchant Guild to appear.

  • The Mysterious Giant Merchant Guild will purchase all of the cheap trade items, to sell at a later date.
  • When the Giant Merchant Guild buys all the stock for that item, it causes a shortage for a while.
  • During the shortage, the trade item cannot be purchased, and the price of the trade item will remain the same for 18 trade resets (3 days). You can still sell the trade goods you have purchased, but will not be able to buy any new trade items.
  • After the shortage ends (3 days), the price of the trade item will rise back up to 100%, and the Giant Merchant Guild sells their stock, allowing you to purchase the trade item again.
  • The purpose of this mechanic is to raise the price of any trade items that are stuck at low prices for a long period of time.

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List of Trade Goods (Purchasable)

LocationTrade ManagerCategoryItem NameTrade Level
Balenos – OlviaLollyGeneral GoodsHandy Home Medicine BrewerBeginner 1
Balenos – OlviaLollyLuxuriesFragrant Grape WineBeginner 1
Balenos – OlviaLollyFoodSweet Grape JamBeginner 1
Balenos – OlviaLollyFoodSweet Red HoneySkilled 1
Balenos – OlviaLollyFoodMountain CheeseProf 1
Balenos – OlviaLollyMedicineShai Emergency Medicine SetSkilled 1
Balenos – OlviaLollyMedicine

Mystical Love Potion No. 6

Artisan 1
Balenos – OlviaLollyRelicReliable Amulet for ProtectionProf 1
Balenos – OlviaLollyClothesShai Special HatSkilled 1
Balenos – OlviaLollyRaw MaterialFresh Silver Azalea RootBeginner 1
Balenos – OlviaLollyRaw MaterialSpecial Herb BlendSkilled 1
Balenos – Westerm Guard CampLukeGeneral GoodsCrimson OreBeginner 1
Balenos – Westerm Guard CampLukeGeneral GoodsOminous Totem FragmentProf 1
Balenos – Westerm Guard CampLukeLuxuriesTransparent Crystal GlassSkilled 1
Balenos – Westerm Guard CampLukeFoodSoft Smoked PorkBeginner 1
Balenos – Westerm Guard CampLukeMedicineRed ReagentBeginner 1
Balenos – Westerm Guard CampLukeMilitary SupplySturdy Entry-level SpearBeginner 1
Balenos – Westerm Guard CampLukeMilitary SupplyWarm Bear Hide CapeProf 1
Balenos – Westerm Guard CampLukeRelicDormant Tree Spirit SeedSkilled 1
Balenos – Westerm Guard CampLukeRelicAwakened Tree Spirit SproutArtisan 1
Balenos – Westerm Guard CampLukeRaw MaterialHigh-quality PlankBeginner 1
Balenos – Bartali FarmEmma BartaliGeneral GoodsSweet-Smelling Rat PoinsonBeginner 1
Balenos – Bartali FarmEmma BartaliGeneral GoodsBizarre Adventure LogArtisan 1
Balenos – Bartali FarmEmma BartaliLuxuriesBrilliant Black OpalProf 1
Balenos – Bartali FarmEmma BartaliFoodSoft Potato StarchBeginner 1
Balenos – Bartali FarmEmma BartaliFoodSavory Corn OilSkilled 1
Balenos – Bartali FarmEmma BartaliFoodFresh EggProf 1
Balenos – Bartali FarmEmma BartaliMedicineBlue ReagnetBeginner 1
Balenos – Bartali FarmEmma BartaliClothesSoft Weasel ScarfBeginner 1
Balenos – Bartali FarmEmma BartaliRaw MaterialSoft Fox FurProf 1
Serendia – Alejandro FarmAmadeo AlejandroGeneral GoodsRosy Wishing KiteBeginner 1
Serendia – Alejandro FarmAmadeo AlejandroGeneral GoodsSecret Formula Chemical-Free FertilizerSkilled 1
Serendia – Alejandro FarmAmadeo AlejandroLuxuriesTerrifying Pumpkin LampSkilled 1
Serendia – Alejandro FarmAmadeo AlejandroLuxuriesTangy Royal JellyArtisan 1
Serendia – Alejandro FarmAmadeo AlejandroFoodGood Quality Potato StarchBeginner 1
Serendia – Alejandro FarmAmadeo AlejandroFoodCoarse Wheat FlourBeginner 1
Serendia – Alejandro FarmAmadeo AlejandroFoodSweet Golden HoneyProf 1
Serendia – Alejandro FarmAmadeo AlejandroRaw MaterialCool Flax FabricBeginner 1
Serendia – Eastern GatewayBremanGeneral GoodsDwarf Tool PackProf 1
Serendia – Eastern GatewayBremanFoodFresh Fan Flamingo EggSkilled 1
Serendia- Eastern GatewayBremanMedicineFirst Aid KitBeginner 1
Serendia – Eastern GatewayBremanMilitary SupplyCombat Supply BundleBeginner 1
Serendia – Eastern GatewayBremanMilitary SupplyKnights Martial Arts ManualArtisan 1
Serendia – Eastern GatewayBremanRelicMarble Dragon StatueProf 1
Serendia – Eastern GatewayBremanRaw MaterialPile of Damaged IronBeginner 1
Serendia – GlishLarcGeneral GoodsWheat HaysteakBeginner 1
Serendia – GlishLarcFoodChewy Dried Fogan Hind LegBeginner 1
Serendia – GlishLarcMedicineSpecial PotionProf 1
Serendia – GlishLarcMilitary SupplyParalyzing Poisoned ArrowheadSkilled 1
Serendia – GlishLarcRelicMagic Binding Oak BranchArtisan 1
Serendia – GlishLarcClothesBush Spider Web VestBeginner 1
Serendia – GlishLarcClothesParty co*cktail DressProf 1
Serendia – GlishLarcRaw MaterialRed Mud BrickBeginner 1
Serendia – GlishLarcRaw MaterialPurified Dried MudProf 1
Serendia – GlishLarcRaw MaterialRare Bush Spider WebArtisan 1
Calpheon – Northern Wheat PlantationNorma LeightGeneral GoodsHerb SteamerBeginner 1
Calpheon – Northern Wheat PlantationNorma LeightGeneral GoodsSturdy Water Buffalo Hide BackpackSkilled 1
Calpheon – Northern Wheat PlantationNorma LeightLuxuriesFragant Scented CandleBeginner 1
Calpheon – Northern Wheat PlantationNorma LeightLuxuriesBouquet of Fresh TulipsSkilled 1
Calpheon – Northern Wheat PlantationNorma LeightFoodDried Sweet Cornelian CherryBeginner 1
Calpheon – Northern Wheat PlantationNorma LeightFoodRefreshing Leight AleArtisan 1
Calpheon – Northern Wheat PlantationNorma LeightMedicineAmazing Cure-All OintmentProf 1
Calpheon – Northern Wheat PlantationNorma LeightRaw MaterialNutritious HaystackBeginner 1
Calpheon – BehrTrieeGeneral GoodsCarpentry Tool BundleBeginner 1
Calpheon – BehrTrieeLuxuriesRam War HornProf 1
Calpheon – BehrTrieeFoodHearty Pig BarbecueBeginner 1
Calpheon – BehrTrieeFoodSpecial SausageBeginner 1
Calpheon – BehrTrieeMedicineHerbal OintmentBeginner 1
Calpheon – BehrTrieeMilitary SupplyCarrier PigeonArtisan 1
Calpheon – BehrTrieeRelicMystical Tree BarkProf 1
Calpheon – BehrTrieeClothesDense Forest CamouflageBeginner 1
Calpheon – BehrTrieeRaw MaterialSpecial Leather FabricBeginner 1
Calpheon – BehrTrieeRaw MaterialHigh-Quality Specialty TimberBeginner 1
Calpheon – KeplanHamirGeneral GoodsOak Barrel Filled with Green LiquidBeginner 1
Calpheon – KeplanHamirLuxuriesSubtle Scented CandleSkilled 1
Calpheon – KeplanHamirFoodFragrant Ginger TeaBeginner 1
Calpheon – KeplanHamirMilitary SupplySticky Glutoni MucusBeginner 1
Calpheon – KeplanHamirMilitary SupplyChimera’s Black FragmentProf 1
Calpheon – KeplanHamirRelicAnti-Petrifying AmuletArtisan 1
Calpheon – KeplanHamirClothesReinforced Miner’s Work UniformBeginner 1
Calpheon – KeplanHamirRaw MaterialDark Red Ore ChunkBeginner 1
Calpheon – KeplanHamirRaw MaterialOminous OreSkilled 1
Calpheon – KeplanHamirRaw MaterialOminous Black MercuryProf 1
Mediah – Stonetail Horse RanchAsranGeneral GoodsStiff Horsehair BrushBeginner 1
Mediah – Stonetail Horse RanchAsranLuxuriesHorse Race Trophy ModelSkilled 1
Mediah – Stonetail Horse RanchAsranLuxuriesGem-Laden DaggerArtisan 1
Mediah – Stonetail Horse RanchAsranFoodSweet Garlic BreadBeginner 1
Mediah – Stonetail Horse RanchAsranRelicOddly Shaped SculptureProf 1
Mediah – Stonetail Horse RanchAsranRaw MaterialStone Rhino HideBeginner 1
Mediah – TarifBrorumGeneral GoodsEastern Culture Beyond the DesertProf 1
Mediah – TarifBrorumLuxuriesCarved Horoscope Crystal BallArtisan 1
Mediah – TarifBrorumFoodHearty SandwichProf 1
Mediah – TarifBrorumMedicineSpecial PotionBeginner 1
Mediah – TarifBrorumMedicineJustice-Imbued ElixierProf 1
Mediah – TarifBrorumMilitary SupplyTalisman Imbued With Special EnergyArtisan 1
Mediah – TarifBrorumRelicMysterious PotSkilled 1
Mediah – TarifBrorumRelicSoul-Possessed PortraitProf 1
Mediah – TarifBrorumClothesFancy Noble DressProf 1
Mediah – TarifBrorumRaw MaterialBlack Quartz NuggetBeginner 1
Mediah – KushaChakraGeneral GoodsLight Warm BlanketSkilled 1
Mediah – KushaChakraGeneral GoodsSturdy Nouveranto NetArtisan 1
Mediah – KushaChakraLuxuriesShabbily Crafted SculptureBeginner 1
Mediah – KushaChakraFoodSmoked Brahman BeefBeginner 1
Mediah – KushaChakraMedicineSpider Neurotoxin AnestheticSkilled 1
Mediah – KushaChakraMilitary SupplyBig Barbarian ShieldBeginner 1
Mediah – KushaChakraRaw MaterialSoft Blue SilkBeginner 1
Mediah – KushaChakraRaw MaterialSoft Spider SilkProf 1
Valencia – ShakatuTaphtarGeneral GoodsRaw Basilisk SkinBeginner 1
Valencia – ShakatuTaphtarGeneral GoodsEastern TelescopeSkilled 1
Valencia – ShakatuTaphtarLuxuriesSurprise Gemstone BoxBeginner 1
Valencia – ShakatuTaphtarLuxuriesOrnately Decorated RifleArtisan 1
Valencia – ShakatuTaphtarFoodSoft Smoked Mountain Sheep MeatBeginner 1
Valencia – ShakatuTaphtarFoodRed MaceProf 1
Valencia – ShakatuTaphtarMilitary SupplyFire-charged ShieldSkilled 1
Valencia – ShakatuTaphtarRelicCharred FragmentsBeginner 1
Valencia – ShakatuTaphtarClothesSturdy Camel Hide ShoesBeginner 1
Valencia – ShakatuTaphtarRaw MaterialSturdy Elder Tree StemBeginner 1
Valencia – ShakatuTaphtarFoodSweet Date Palm FruitBeginner 1
Valencia – Sand Grain BazaarAtui BalacsGeneral GoodsEastern Boy CollectionBeginner 1
Valencia – Sand Grain BazaarAtui BalacsLuxuriesFancy Ivory SealArtisan 1
Valencia – Sand Grain BazaarAtui BalacsFoodStar Anise FruitSkilled 1
Valencia – Sand Grain BazaarAtui BalacsMedicineNatural Dye SetBeginner 1
Valencia – Sand Grain BazaarAtui BalacsClothesWarm Camel Fur CoatProf 1
Valencia – Sand Grain BazaarAtui BalacsRaw MaterialBundle of Preserved IvoryProf 1
Valencia – ArehazaSurondulaGeneral GoodsEastern Valencian Nights Box SetProf 1
Valencia – ArehazaSurondulaLuxuriesBeautiful Desert LandscapeSkilled 1
Valencia – ArehazaSurondulaFoodSweet Coconut OilProf 1
Valencia – ArehazaSurondulaMedicineEastern Elixir of LifeArtisan 1
Valencia – ArehazaSurondulaMilitary SupplySharp Crescent SwordArtisan 1
Valencia – ArehazaSurondulaRelicSand Desert StarSkilled 1
Valencia – ArehazaSurondulaRaw MaterialScarlet Rutile NuggetBeginner 1
Valencia – ArehazaSurondulaRaw MaterialOasis Rock SaltBeginner 1
Kamasylvia – Old Wisdom TreeObi BellenGeneral GoodsKamasylvia Book of LifeBeginner 1
Kamasylvia – Old Wisdom TreeObi BellenLuxuriesSturdy Wolf Feather OrnamentBeginner 1
Kamasylvia – Old Wisdom TreeObi BellenFoodSavory Mushroom SporeBeginner 1
Kamasylvia – Old Wisdom TreeObi BellenMilitary SupplyTraining LongbowProf 1
Kamasylvia – Old Wisdom TreeObi BellenRelicTravels to the East of AldusProf 1
Kamasylvia – Old Wisdom TreeObi BellenRelicAncient History: The Dawn of KamasylviaArtisan 1
Kamasylvia – Old Wisdom TreeObi BellenRaw MaterialsRed Old Tree BarkProf 1
Kamasylvia – GrandihaTituGeneral GoodsGreat Trainer BiographyProf 1
Kamasylvia – GrandihaTituLuxuriesDelicately Shaped OrnamentBeginner 1
Kamasylvia – GrandihaTituFoodSunset Jade ShellfischProf 1
Kamasylvia – GrandihaTituMedicineClear Spirit EssenceProf 1
Kamasylvia – GrandihaTituRelicFierce Battle of Cowardly Vedir HypocritesArtisan 1
Kamasylvia – GrandihaTituClothesFancy Floral HeadpieceBeginner 1
Kamasylvia – GrandihaTituRaw MaterialViolet Valtarra HearthstoneBeginner 1
Kamasylvia – GrandihaTituRaw MaterialBlue Ocean PlantSkilled 1
Kamasylvia – Archer Guard PostMunanslynGeneral GoodsDesire-Imbued RockBeginner 1
Kamasylvia – Archer Guard PostMunanslynGeneral GoodsAsh Forest BranchProf 1
Kamasylvia – Archer Guard PostMunanslynFoodDew of DawnArtisan 1
Kamasylvia – Archer Guard PostMunanslynMedicineSpecial Medical KitBeginner 1
Kamasylvia – Archer Guard PostMunanslynMilitary SupplyKamasylvia Strategic Manual: ApplicationBeginner 1
Kamasylvia – Archer Guard PostMunanslynMilitary SupplyKamasylvia Training Manual: ApplicationBeginner 1
Kamasylvia – Archer Guard PostMunanslynRelicAncient Kamasylvia PandectsSkilled 1
Kamasylvia – Archer Guard PostMunanslynRaw MaterialRed Lapis LazuliBeginner 1
Kamasylvia- Archer Guard PostMunanslynRaw MaterialTree Cloaked in GreenSkilled 1
Drieghan – Ahib Conflict ZoneSelena AerGeneral GoodsSky SceneryBeginner 1
Drieghan – Ahib Conflict ZoneSelena AerGeneral GoodsSkyblue OcarinaSkilled 1
Drieghan – Ahib Conflict ZoneSelena AerLuxuriesPatterned Yak CarpetProf 1
Drieghan – Ahib Conflict ZoneSelena AerMilitary SupplySturdy Moss Wood LongbowBeginner 1
Drieghan – Ahib Conflict ZoneSelena AerMilitary SupplyMarmot ToolsProf 1
Drieghan – Ahib Conflict ZoneSelena AerRelicGem-Studded Khalk AccessoryArtisan 1
Drieghan – Ahib Conflict ZoneSelena AerClothesLapis Lazuli Knee PadBeginner 1
Drieghan – Ahib Conflict ZoneSelena AerRaw MaterialLight Khalk Skin FabricProf 1
Drieghan – Marcha OutpostLadarGeneral GoodsMarmot-Hunting TrapBeginner 1
Drieghan – Marcha OutpostLadarGeneral GoodsBlue Sky Hawk Kite SetSkilled 1
Drieghan – Marcha OutpostLadarGeneral GoodsArtisan’s Special BasketArtisan 1
Drieghan – Marcha OutpostLadarLuxuriesDragonhead KettleSkilled 1
Drieghan – Marcha OutpostLadarFoodPoorly Dried Sliced Goat MeatBeginner 1
Drieghan – Marcha OutpostLadarMilitary SupplyColorful Horse Gear SetArtisan 1
Drieghan – Marcha OutpostLadarRelicTricolor Sherekhan Flag DecorationSkilled 1
Drieghan – Dormann Lumber CampDormannGeneral GoodsPure Thuja PinwheelBeginner 1
Drieghan – Dormann Lumber CampDormannGeneral GoodsLumbering 101Prof 1
Drieghan – Dormann Lumber CampDormannGeneral GoodsExquisite Hacksaw BoxProf 1
Drieghan – Dormann Lumber CampDormannLuxuriesPungent Thuja-Scent CandleBeginner 1
Drieghan – Dormann Lumber CampDormannLuxuriesNoble Display CaseArtisan 1
Drieghan – Dormann Lumber CampDormannFoodGolden Roast Skewered LambProf 1
Drieghan – Dormann Lumber CampDormannMedicineConcentrated Altitude Sickness CureSkilled 1
Drieghan – Dormann Lumber CampDormannRaw MaterialGood Quality Sawdust BoxBeginner 1
Mountain of Eternal Winter – Pilgrim’s EndLisaeGeneral GoodsCozy Crimson BlanketBeginner 1
Mountain of Eternal Winter – Pilgrim’s EndLisaeLuxuriesFancy Obsidian Ore NecklaceProf 1
Mountain of Eternal Winter – Pilgrim’s EndLisaeMedicineBitter Herbal JuiceArtisan 1
Mountain of Eternal Winter – Pilgrim’s EndLisaeMilitary SupplyCombat RationsBeginner 1
Mountain of Eternal Winter – Pilgrim’s EndLisaeClothesSnow GaloshesSkilled 1
Mountain of Eternal Winter – Pilgrim’s EndLisaeRaw MaterialShimmering QuartzProf 1
Mountain of Eternal Winter – Pilgrim’s EndLisaeRaw MaterialSharp Obsidian CrystalArtisan 1
Mountain of Eternal Winter – Awina’s TailHuanGeneral GoodsCozy Bluish BlanketBeginner 1
Mountain of Eternal Winter – Awina’s TailHuanLuxuriesFancy Small FireplaceArtisan 1
Mountain of Eternal Winter – Awina’s TailHuanFoodSweet Citron JamBeginner 1
Mountain of Eternal Winter – Awina’s TailHuanFoodStrong Citron ExtractSkilled 1
Mountain of Eternal Winter – Awina’s TailHuanMedicineReagent of PassionProf 1
Mountain of Eternal Winter – Awina’s TailHuanRelicMysterious Herb RootProf 1
Mountain of Eternal Winter – Awina’s TailHuanClothesCuddly ScarfSkilled 1
Mountain of Eternal Winter – Awina’s TailHuanRaw MaterialSpecial Waterproof FabricSkilled 1
Mountain of Eternal Winter – Camp BalacsJorgGeneral GoodsHeater OilSkilled 1
Mountain of Eternal Winter – Camp BalacsJorgLuxuriesHerbal Grain LiquorBeginner 1
Mountain of Eternal Winter – Camp BalacsJorgFoodSweet and Sour Citron WineProf 1
Mountain of Eternal Winter – Camp BalacsJorgMedicineFrostbite CureBeginner 1
Mountain of Eternal Winter – Camp BalacsJorgMilitary SupplyCombat Iron ArmorProf 1
Mountain of Eternal Winter – Camp BalacsJorgRelicDragonhead StatueArtisan 1
Mountain of Eternal Winter – Camp BalacsJorgClothesTraditional Winter ClothesProf 1
Mountain of Eternal Winter – Camp BalacsJorgRaw MaterialSunset QuartzBeginner 1

Distance Bonus

  • When selling any trade goods, you gain an extra silver bonus called the “distance bonus”.
  • The greater distance between the original location you obtained the trade item, and the location you sell it, the greater the distance bonus.
  • This is important when min-maxing profits if you are creating your own trade crates, and why many people choose to make their crates in Valencia, and sell to Grana.
  • However, for active trading where you buy the trade goods from NPCs, it is often not worth traveling far distances, since you need to have multiple nodes connected and the distance bonus is negligible.
  • Distance bonus is calculated by taking the base price of the item, then multiplying that by a set percentage. The distance bonus is then added to the current sell price.

Trading Lifeskill Guide - BDFoundry (30)

Below are some examples of the distance bonus (%) between two locations:

Nampo115.3%121.5%108.4%140.6%150% 121.3%135.5%141.8%0%

Crate Trading

In addition to purchasing items from NPCs, players can craft their own trade items called Trading Crates. These crates have to be “packed” by a worker in a city and then once you have a large number of crates you transport them to another city to sell them.

The crates take a long time to collect and you will probably only transport them once a month, but it can be a good way of making passive income. The only downside is that it takes a lot of setup, time, and CP. You also end up with a large amounts of money being tied up. You also need to spend quite a lot of time Processing materials for your crates, or can purchase the materials for a lower profit margin.

If you are interested in making crates, you will need a Wood Workbench or a Mineral Workbench and a worker to pack the materials. You want to make boxes for the materials you have access to and depending on your worker skills. Use this Trade Calculator to help you.

Wood Workbench Trade Crates:

  • Eg. Calpheon Timber Crate, Serendia Timber Crate, Mediah Timber Crate, and Balenos Timber Crate

Mineral Workbench Trade Crates:

  • Eg. Bronze Ingot Crate, Brass Ingot Crate, Steel Ingot Crate

Trading Lifeskill Guide - BDFoundry (31)

Use Artisan Goblin workers so you can pack crates as quickly as possible. If you are away from your computer a lot and can’t feed your workers often, then it may be better to use Giants, but the idea is to pack crates as quickly as possible. The best skills for packing crates, which are: Ore/Timber Packing Skill, Thrifty Skill, and any other movement speed or work speed skills.

You can also send workers from one town to another to pack a crate at the workshop and the crate’s origin will be from the same town the worker is from.

Where to setup your Trading Empire

With the removal of the “Desert Trading Buff” in April 2023, you are free to sell the crates where you want and no longer need to sell them in Valencia. However, you do want to transport the crates as far as possible for the distance price bonus.

At the moment, the furthest distance is between Grana and Valencia, with a distance bonus of +113%, but with the Land of the Morning Light region, players will be able to sell to Nampo Harbor, and the furthest distance is from Valenica with a 150% distance bonus, compared to Nampo and Grana, which is only 121%.

Therefore, a lot of players are now choosing to set up their trading empire in Valencia instead of Grana. In addition, Valencia has more workshops and lodging available, allowing for a much larger empire than in Grana.

Selling and Transporting the Crates

  • The best way to transport the crates is to stack as many crates as possible on a horse.
  • You can use cheap horses for this. Simply park the horse next to your storage then move the crates straight into the horse inventory.
  • The amount of crates you can overstack on your horse depends on the weight of the crate:
    • Crates with 30LT: total of 7,157 crates
    • Crates with 20LT: total of 10,736 crates
    • Crates with 15LT: total of 14,315 crates
  • After stacking the crates on your horse, set up an autopath, then move away from your horse and whistle it. As the horse starts to walk towards you, start auto-running and your horse will continue to follow you. Make sure to check the horse is still following and you will also need to watch out for bandits along the road so you don’t get stuck. You can also ride the horse and autorun it but it can be faster to use the whistle method.
  • I recommend using a character under level 50 because some players may try to kill you and if your horse dies it will lose a large number of crates. Also, make sure not to remote collect your horse or it will lose a large number of crates.

Leveling Trading (Trading EXP Buffs)

With the removal of the “Desert Trade Buff”, you no longer need to reach Artisan 10 Trading for the life skill to be profitable. However, a higher trading level is still useful, since it increases your profit from Bargaining when you sell the items, and is required to purchase some trade goods.

When leveling your Trading, you should try to use as many Life Skill EXP buffs as possible.

You can also use the items below for Trading EXP:

IconItem NameEXP BuffHow to Obtain
Trading Lifeskill Guide - BDFoundry (32)Silver Embroidered Trader’s ClothingTrading EXP +0% – 25%
(depending on Enhancement)
Craft at a Level 1 Costume Mill:
Cotton Fabric x10
Powder of Rifts x10
Black Stone Powder x15
Trading Lifeskill Guide - BDFoundry (33)Trader’s Clothing CostumeTrading EXP +10%You can obtain the Trader’s Clothing Costume by using an Equipment Tailoring Coupon on a base Silver Embroidered Trader’s Clothing.
This allows you to equip it in the costume slot and wear another Silver Embroidered Trader’s Clothes at the same time.
Trading Lifeskill Guide - BDFoundry (34)[The Cycle]
Lightstone Set
Trading EXP +25%Lightstone of Flora: Wagon
Lightstone of Flora: Wagon
Lightstone of Flora: Wagon
Iridescent Lightstone
Read our Lighstone and Artifact Guide for details
Trading Lifeskill Guide - BDFoundry (35)Sethra’s Artifacts – Life EXPLife EXP +3%Can be obtained randomly from all life skills
Trading Lifeskill Guide - BDFoundry (36)Sethra’s Artifacts – Trading EXPTrading EXP +5%Can be obtained randomly when selling Trade Goods
Trading Lifeskill Guide - BDFoundry (37)

Dim Magic Crystal: Trade

Trading EXP +3%Obtained from Challenge (Y) rewards by reaching Trading Apprentice, and by completing the “[Leap] Honor to the Trading Family #1 quest

Life Skill EXP Buff List

There are 2 ways of leveling your Trading:

  • AFK Fishing
    • This is my personal favorite method and what I would recommend. You can AFK fish at the pond in Duvencrune (do not throw away any fish) and then trade the fish as far away as possible for a high amount of trading EXP.
  • “Trash Crates”
    • Also known as “Junk Crates”. These are crates that are easier to make than the ones you will be selling for profit. They only require 1 material to make them.
    • For example, you use workers to create “Ash Timber Crates” at a Wood Workbench (level 1) and then you transport these to Valencia using the transport method explained further down in the guide. You then sell all the crates with as many Life EXP buffs as possible. I recommend using this Trash Crates calculator to work out exactly how many you will need.
    • Another issue with this method is that you will be sacrificing and investing a lot of materials into the crates and the crates are worth less than the materials you used to make them.
    • Important: When selling your crates to the Trade Manager, make sure not to sell them all at once or you will lose a lot of EXP. Sell the crates in smaller batches instead.

Other Trading Gear (Riding Crops)

Riding Crops can be equipped in your tool slot, and increase your wagon speed.

The Riding Crop also increases the speed of the Forest Rush skill on the Forest Path Wagon, which is considered the best wagon available for Trading.

The enhancement level of the Riding Crop does not matter, and only increases Training Mastery for Horse Training.

Item NameHow to ObtainItem Effect
Loggia Riding CropSold by Camellia Loggia and Zaaira for
1 million silver
  • Max Wagon Speed +10%
  • Max Wagon Auto-run Speed +10%
  • Forest Path Wagon Forest Rush Speed +10%
Izaro Riding CropSold by Geranoa and Zaaira for
10 million silver
  • Max Wagon Speed +20%
  • Max Wagon Auto-run Speed +20%
  • Forest Path Wagon Forest Rush Speed +20%
Manos Riding CropCan be crafted using Processing (L) > Manufacture:
  • Krogdalo’s Origin Stone x1
  • Magical Shard x50
  • Manos x5
  • Supreme Hard Hide x15
  • Max Wagon Speed +30%
  • Max Wagon Auto-run Speed +30%
  • Forest Path Wagon Forest Rush Speed +30%
Fughar’s Riding Crop

Can be obtained as a reward from the Season Pass.

  • Max Wagon Speed +30%
  • Max Wagon Auto-run Speed +30%
  • Forest Path Wagon Forest Rush Speed +30%

Trading Byproducts

When selling any trade item to a Trade Manager NPC, you have a chance of obtaining an item called “Stained Silk“.

You can then exchange x10 of this item at NPC Liana, for other materials, or Contribution and Trading EXP.

  • Liana can be found in all major cities next to Jetina/Fughar/Stable Keeper. If you cannot find the NPC, use the “Find NPC” function to search for “Liana” (ESC Menu > Function > Find NPC)
Required ItemsExchangeable Items (Select one)

Trading Lifeskill Guide - BDFoundry (38)

Stained Silk x10

Trading Lifeskill Guide - BDFoundry (39)

Trace of Forest x10

Trading Lifeskill Guide - BDFoundry (40)

Trace of Death x10

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Trace of Memory x10

900 Contribution EXP + Trading EXP x450

Trading Lifeskill Guide - BDFoundry (42)

Trading Leap Quests

Trading Leap quests simply require you to talk to various NPCs and you do not need to buy or sell any trade goods.

If you just want the once-per-family rewards you can complete these quests on a Tagged Character that already has high Trading level without needing to untag

The Trading Leap Quest chain can be completed to obtain rewards and large Trading EXP boosts.

  • For example, completing the first quest in the chain “[Trading Leap Apprentice 2] Alchemist’s Reagent” can be completed once you are Trading Apprentice 2 or higher, and gives approximately 80% EXP at that level.

The quests can be found in your Quest log (O) under the “Suggested” tab.

These quests are available once per character

Trading Lifeskill Guide - BDFoundry (43)

Quest NameStart NPCHow to Complete
[Trading Leap Apprentice 2]

Balenos Trade
AlustinFind out about the trade items from Lolly of Olvia
[Trading Leap Apprentice 7]

Serendia Specialty Promotion
Cruhorn WyrmsbanePromote Serendia Specialty in Western Guard Camp
Promote Serendia Specialty in Velia
Promote Serendia Specialty in Glish
[Trading Leap Apprentice 10]

The Cupid of Olvia
LollySpread the word to Pollini in Florin that we have more of this mystical love potion in stock
[Trading Leap Skilled 5]

A Deal with Calpheon
LarcShow Glish specialties to Norma Leight in Northern Wheat Plantation of Calpheon
[Trading Leap Professional 1]

New Luxury Item in the Market
WolfgangCheck stock of Ram War Horn from Behr
[Trading Leap Professional 4]

Helping a Friend in Keplan
HardenAsk Bart from Trina Fort
Ask Duras from Trina Fort
[Trading Leap Professional 7]

Behr Sausage is the Best!
Likke BehrPromote the Special Sausage from Behr at Kamasylve
[Trading Leap Professional 10]

Medicines to Save Lives
Doctor BrogiaCheck Olvia Medicine
Check Northern Wheat Plantation Medicine
Check Behr Medicine
[Trading Leap Artisan 4]

Kusha Town Festival
ChakraBring food from Olvia
Bring food from Northern Wheat Plantation
Bring food from Behr
Bring food from Alejandro Farm
Bring food from Calpheon City
[Trading Leap Artisan 7]

Special Leather Fabric
Ceras FeresioCheck the quality of Special Leather Fabric from Behr
[Trading Leap Artisan 10]

Unique Items from Mediah
FinlinCheck Tarif specialties
Check Stonetail Horse Ranch specialties
Check Kusha specialties

Alongside these quests, you can complete the “[Life][Leap] Honor to the Trading Family” quests for additional rewards.

You must have completed the previous Trading Leap quests on your current character to accept these additional quests.

  • For example, to start the [Leap] Honor to the Trading Family #1 quest you must have completed the [Trading Leap Apprentice 10] The Cupid of Olvia quest on the current character

These quests are available once per family.

Trading Lifeskill Guide - BDFoundry (44)

Quest Name & RequirementsNPCRewards
[Leap] Honor to the Trading Family #1

Complete [Trading Leap Apprentice 10] The Cupid of Olvia
Enrique EncarotiaWagon Registration: Noble Wagon
Dim Magic Crystal: Trade x2
Energy Tonic (L) x5
[Leap] Honor to the Trading Family #2

Complete [Trading Leap Skilled 5] A Deal with Calpheon
Complete [Leap] Honor to the Trading Family #1
Enrique EncarotiaGold Bar 100G x5
Charming Swiftness x5
▼ Reward (Select one of the following)
Water Spirit Stone Fragment x300
Earth Spirit Stone Fragment x300
Wind Spirit Stone Fragment x300
[Leap] Honor to the Trading Family #3

Complete [Trading Leap Professional 1] New Luxury Item in the Market
Complete [Leap] Honor to the Trading Family #2
Enrique Encarotia

Trading Lifeskill Guide - BDFoundry (45) Trading Lifeskill Guide - BDFoundry (46)

Piece of Image x1,000
Mount Skill Change Coupon x3

[Leap] Honor to the Trading Family #4

Complete [Trading Leap Professional 10] Medicines to Save Lives
Complete [Leap] Honor to the Trading Family #3
Enrique Encarotia

Trading Lifeskill Guide - BDFoundry (47)Trading Lifeskill Guide - BDFoundry (48)

Professional Trader’s Clothes x1
Equipment Tailoring Coupon x1

[Leap] Honor to the Trading Family #5

Complete [Trading Leap Artisan 10] Unique Items from Mediah
Complete [Leap] Honor to the Trading Family #4
Enrique Encarotia

Trading Lifeskill Guide - BDFoundry (49) Trading Lifeskill Guide - BDFoundry (50)Trading Lifeskill Guide - BDFoundry (51)

Gold Bar 1,000G x1
Piece of Image x1,000
Trading EXP Transfer Coupon x1

Trading Lifeskill Guide - BDFoundry (2024)
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Author: Terrell Hackett

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Author information

Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Suite 453 459 Gibson Squares, East Adriane, AK 71925-5692

Phone: +21811810803470

Job: Chief Representative

Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.