Every Jujutsu Kaisen Grade, Explained (2024)


  • The jujutsu society in Jujutsu Kaisen uses a ranking system to differentiate the power levels of sorcerers, cursed spirits, and cursed tools.
  • There are four standard Grades to distinguish jujutsu sorcerers and the power that they wield. Special Grades are a separate category for those with unimaginable jujutsu powers.
  • Sorcerers can climb the rankings through training and practice, while cursed tools are ranked based on power.

In Jujutsu Kaisen, everyone within the jujutsu world receives a rank specific to their power level in order to help society run as smoothly as possible. Ranging from Grades 1 to 4 (and the anomalies that are Special Grades), the strength of sorcerers, cursed spirits, and cursed tools are differentiated and compared within this tiered system. Grades 4 and 3 refer to more inexperienced or average sorcerers, while Grade 2 is above average, and Grade 1 is the standard for leaders of jujutsu society. That being said, Special Grades present jujutsu power that is literally off the scale, which means a separate category altogether is required to label them.

For sorcerers, Jujutsu High assigns rankings to their students. From there, individuals then train to climb these rankings by proving themselves to their peers and higher-ups. However, in the case of cursed tools and cursed spirits, there isn't necessarily room for either to improve. Cursed spirits are ranked similarly to sorcerers, but the system is not bulletproof. Often, due to foul play, curses can be incorrectly ranked, which leads to lower-level sorcerers being sent on missions to defeat opponents that are out of their depth. Cursed tools are the most straightforward and are ranked based on power and potency, which means tools with higher grades prove to be the most useful in battle.

Updated on June 23, 2024, by Natasha Elder: Jujutsu Kaisen is constantly revealing new information about Cursed Spirits, Cursed Techniques, and other information unique to the Jujutsu Kaisen universe. Given that special grade levels were introduced early, and elaborated upon in the movie, we know a lot about this distinctive grading system. That being said, we wanted to further dive into the complex classification system.

Jujutsu Kaisen's Grade System Is Intricate

There Are Compelling In-Universe Reasons for the System

Notable Cursed Spirits



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The ranking system within Jujutsu Kaisen's jujutsu society guarantees that missions run smoothly and sorcerers are properly matched with as many cursed spirits as they can exorcise. The grading of sorcerers and curses intends to ensure that opponents are always evenly matched at worst, though favoring the sorcerers preferably. However, minor discrepancies within their rankings mean sorcerers can either face a stronger curse or a far weaker one, leading to many great fights. Many begin at Grades 3 and 4, but the graduated leveling system makes it possible to climb the ranks and eventually land at the average Grade 2 and 1 ranks. This all means that the number of generally strong jujutsu sorcerers in society will increase, which is never a bad thing. However, very few will ever be powerful enough to break the system and earn the legendary rank of Special Grade jujutsu sorcerer.

Even though some curses get labeled incorrectly, such as the curse that temporarily killed Yuji Itadori in season one of the anime, the ranking system for curses is made to ensure the right sorcerer gets sent for the job. As such, sorcerer rankings are slightly different from curse rankings, as the sorcerer needs to be able to consistently beat the curses of the same grade. The sorcerer is held to higher standards than the curse at each grade level, often proving they have better cursed techniques and fighting abilities. This also helps in the case of special grade cursed spirits, whose true abilities are unknown.

Jujutsu Kaisen's grade system is not only a helpful tool for the audience to quickly know how strong a given curse or sorcerer is. It is instead a world-building tool that helps flesh out the world of Jujutsu Kaisen. It also gives some of the characters, such as Maki Zenin, a concrete goal along with their motivation. While she ultimately wants to become the leader of the Zenin clan, proving them wrong for ostracizing her, improving her grade is a tangible way to show her progress in gaining respect in the sorcerer community. This grade system also reveals how strong unknown characters are. For example, it is revealed that Yuta Okkutsu is a special grade sorcerer long before anything is actually revealed about him, lending mystery to his character's untold power.

Jujutsu Kaisen Grades 3 & 4 Are Average Sorcerers

While Competent, They Quickly Meet Their Match

Notable Grade 4 Sorcerers

Maki Zenin

Notable Grade 3 Sorcerers

Kasumi Miwa

Mai Zenin

Nobara Kugisaki


There are three families revered as the strongest in Jujutsu Kaisen. This breakdown will explain the main clans and their cursed techniques.

As the lowest of the grades, sorcerers assigned Grades 3 and 4 are often younger and with far less experience and training than those with higher grades. Grade 4 is a rank meant for the weakest and most inexperienced sorcerers, though there are few of them in existence. Currently, Maki Zenin is the only known Grade 4 sorcerer, despite showing a lot of potential to advance to a higher jujutsu ranking. Due to Maki's complicated past with her family, the Zenin Clan goes out of their way to ensure that Maki can't ascend the grade system. This keeps Maki stuck at a lower grade and forces her to take on the simplest of jujutsu missions. That said, her battle with Sukuna proves that Maki's far stronger than her Grade suggests.

Grade 3 is the average jujutsu ranking. Most jujutsu students get assigned this rank upon enrollment to Jujutsu High. Sorcerers such as Nobara Kugisaki and Kyoto Jujutsu High's Kasumi Miwa fall into this rank. Their abilities are still impressive, but they haven't evolved enough to be ranked any higher. Like Grade 4 sorcerers, Grade 3 sorcerers are not allowed to go on solo missions and are almost always accompanied by someone of a higher grade. However, if the accompanying sorcerer is ranked significantly higher, such as Grade 1 or Special Grade, they'll often act as an escort and only intervene in the mission if it's absolutely necessary. For example, when Gojo accompanies Yuta and Maki on the former's first mission, he waits for the duo outside the barrier and allows the younger sorcerers to prove their strength, even though it's a dire situation.

Jujutsu Kaisen's cursed spirits are essentially ranked through the same system. Grade 4 curses are barely a threat and if regular weapons are in use, then they would be so weak that a sorcerer could defeat them with just a wooden baseball bat. While Grade 3 curses are a step up in terms of strength, they're still very average. In this case, all it takes to defeat a Grade 3 curse is a simple handgun. However, going higher up the grading system results in some truly formidable cursed spirits.

Grade 2 & Semi-Grade 1 Jujutsu Sorcerers Show Potential

While They're Still Learning, They Are Sometimes Sent on Solo Missions

Notable Grade 2 Sorcerers

Panda (Semi-Grade 2)

Megumi Fushiguro

Takuma Ino

Notable Semi-Grade 1 Sorcerers

Kokichi Muta

Utahime Iori

Toge Inumaki


Who Are The Main Characters In Jujutsu Kaisen?

From Yuji Itadori to Satoru Gojo to Sukuna, Jujutsu Kaisen's main cast is as diverse and memorable as any anime.

Grade 2 is a jujutsu rank that's granted to above-average sorcerers. It also happens to be one of Jujutsu Kaisen's most popular ranks. Most sorcerers fall under Grade 1 or 2, so these sorcerers are by no means considered weak, despite their lower rank labels. It's very rare for a student to be given this rank, but it's not impossible. Those who receive this rank upon enrollment are considered geniuses. For example, Megumi Fushiguro possesses the most potential of Jujutsu High's students. He's gifted with the renowned Zenin Clan's Ten Shadows technique and has proven capable of controlling various shikigami in battle. Regardless of his age and status as a first-year student, Megumi has become a Grade 2 sorcerer along with upperclassman Panda and sorcerer Takuma Ino. Grade 2 sorcerers, due to their superior strength, have the freedom and clearance to go on solo missions or accompany those who rank lower than themselves.

Semi-Grade 1 refers to a rank between Grades 1 and 2. It's a ranking that's usually given to sorcerers who seek promotion to Grade 1. These sorcerers have been recommended for promotion to Grade 1 and have either completed or are in the process of accompanying a higher-grade sorcerer on multiple missions. Before these jujutsu sorcerers become Grade 1 sorcerers, Semi-Grade 1 sorcerers must also complete a solo mission and exorcise a Grade 1 cursed spirit. Sorcerers such as Toge Inumaki, Noritoshi Kamo, and Utahime Iori are all currently in this intermediate rank.

Here is where the ranking of cursed spirits shifts away from that of sorcerers. While most sorcerers possess and can use a cursed technique, not all curses can master this. For instance, a Grade 2 curse can't use a cursed technique. As such, an equivalent grade sorcerer would find exorcising this rank simple, since they're operating at a level closer to a grade one cursed spirit. However, curses ranked Semi-Grade 1 or higher can use cursed techniques, making them more of a distinct threat to sorcerers and civilians.

Grade 1 Is The Highest Official Rank In Jujutsu Kaisen

They Take Care of the Most Significant Threats

Notable Grade 1 Sorcerers

Kento Nanami

Mei Mei

Aoi Todo

Masamichi Yaga


Fighting In Jujutsu Kaisen, Explained

In order to fully appreciate JJK's excellent battles, fans need to understand the many key concepts at play.

Despite the existence of Special Grade sorcerers, Grade 1 is technically the highest grade a sorcerer can achieve through the natural progression of jujutsu ranks. These individuals are the pinnacle of jujutsu society, and they set the standards that other sorcerers strive to uphold. There is quite a distinctive jump between Grade 1 and Semi-Grade 1, with the former featuring far more extreme solo missions. As the highest rank, Grade 1 jujutsu sorcerers often face off against Special Grade curses that outrank them, which demonstrates that they are in fact some of the strongest jujutsu sorcerers. This makes it all the more important that these jujutsu sorcerers are properly skilled and possess enough tactical intellect and battle experience to exorcise the strongest of curses.

For example, fan-favorite character Kento Nanami is a Grade 1 sorcerer who routinely fights against Special Grade curses — most famously, the antagonist Mahito. Kento's level-headed and calm approach, mixed with years of experience and a perfected technique, allows him to prevail in battle and keep those who around him safe. It's clear that the skill level between sorcerers in the Grade 1 and Semi-Grade 1 ranks is vast when Kento is compared to someone like Inumaki or Noritoshi Kamo.

Grade 1 cursed spirits are also significantly stronger than those belonging to lower ranks. Mangaka Gege Akutami notes that even a tank may struggle to defeat this cursed spirit rank. Similarly to Semi-Grade 1 curses, these curses can also use cursed techniques. However, Grade 1 curses rarely appear in the Jujutsu Kaisen anime, so their other abilities remain mysterious. Based on existing jujutsu evidence, it can be assumed that a Grade 1 sorcerer would make light work of a Grade 1 curse since they've done as much with Special Grade curses.

Special Grades Are Anomalies In The Jujutsu System

With No True Measure of Their Abilities, They Are Intimidatingly Strong

Notable Special Grade 1 Sorcerers

Naoya Zenin

Ogi Zenin

Jinichi Zenin

Naobito Zenin

Special Grade Sorcerers

Yuta Okkotsu

Suguru Geto

Yuki Tsukumo

Satoru Gojo


Every Cursed Tool in Jujutsu Kaisen, Explained

In Jujutsu Kaisen, sorcerers fight with Cursed Tools imbued with Cursed Energy, the mysterious power source behind jujutsu and evil spirits.

Finally, Special Grade 1 and Special Grade jujutsu sorcerers are ranks that exist outside the system. Special Grade 1 sorcerers are essentially unranked by the technical school system. That being said, Special Grade 1 power is assumed to be on the same level as a Grade 1 sorcerer, if not higher. Many members of the elite Zenin Clan — including Naoya, Naobito, Jinichi, and Ogi — fall under this rank.

However, Special Grades are absolute anomalies in the technical system, which is why Grade 1 is technically still the highest rank. These Special Grade individuals have power that simply can't be ranked since they are so much stronger than any other sorcerer in the world. This is a very rare phenomenon, shown by the existence of only four registered Special Grade sorcerers in the entire Jujutsu Kaisen universe. Yuki Tsukumo, Suguru Geto, Yuta Okkotsu, and Satoru Gojo all fall into this category, which makes them the strongest sorcerers in Japan. These individuals possess an immense amount of cursed energy and powerful cursed techniques, most of which carry immeasurable destructive potential.

Special Grade curses are much the same, and interestingly, they tend to more closely resemble humans. These curses walk on two legs and feature other human characteristics rather than the purely demonic characteristics of the other curses that are out there. The main distinction between Grade 1 and Special Grade curses is their level of intelligence. Many Special Grade curses possess the ability to speak fluently and hold a conversation. While both high-ranking curses can use cursed techniques, Special Grade curses such as Mahito, Hanami, and Jogo are often capable of forming Domain Expansions, arguably one of the best jujutsu weapons in the story. It's extremely rare for even a sorcerer to cast a domain, so a curse's ability to do this makes it truly formidable. In fact, Sukuna's Malevolent Shrine can defeat even dangerously overpowered entities like Mahoraga.

Every Jujutsu Kaisen Grade, Explained (6)
Jujutsu Kaisen





A boy swallows a cursed talisman - the finger of a demon - and becomes cursed himself. He enters a shaman's school to be able to locate the demon's other body parts and thus exorcise himself.

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Every Jujutsu Kaisen Grade, Explained (2024)
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