Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (2024)

Cantrip Divination Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (2)Action

The target gains a +1d4 bonus to Ability Checks.

Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (3)10 turns

Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (4)MeleeDruid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (5)Concentration

Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (6)Action

Poison Spray
Cantrip Conjuration Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (8)

1~12 Damage
Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (9)1d12Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (10)Poison

Project a puff of noxious gas.

Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (11)3mDruid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (12)CON Save

Produce Flame
Cantrip Conjuration Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (14)

Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (15)Inflicts Produce Flame

A flickering flame appears in your hand. It sheds bright light in a 3m radius and deals 1d8 Fire damage when thrown.
Throwing the flame immediately after you conjure it does not cost an action. Extinguishing or throwing it on subsequent turns costs an action

Cantrip Abjuration Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (17)
Action Magically bolster a creature's defenses. It receives a d4 bonus to saving throws.
  • Concentration: Required
  • Range: 1.5m/5ft
Cantrip Transmutation Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (19)
Bonus Action

Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (20)InflictsShillelagh

Imbue your staff or club with nature's power. It becomes magical, deals 1d8+Wisdom Bludgeoning damage, and you use your spellcasting ability for attack rolls.

Thorn Whip
Cantrip Transmutation Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (22)
Action Strike at a target with a thorny, vine-like whip. It deals 1d6 Piercing damage and pulls the target 3m closer to you if it is Large or Smaller in size.
Animal Friendship
Lv 1 Enchantment Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (24)
Action Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (25)Inflicts Charmed

Charm a beast and convince it you mean no harm.
Prerequisite: the beast cannot have an intelligence of 4 or higher. The spell ends if you or one of your companions harms the beast.

Charm Person
Lv 1 Enchantment Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (27)
Action Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (28)InflictsCharmed (10)

Magically charm ahumanoid that you can see.

ACharmed creature can't harm the charmer, and the charmer has advantage on Charismachecks against the creature.

  • Attack/Save: Wisdom
  • Range: 18m/60ft
Create Water
Lv 1 Transmutation Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (30)
Action Call forth rain. It extinguishes exposed flames and forms a water surface.
  • Range: 9m/30ft
Cure Wounds
Lv 1 Evocation Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (32)
Action Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (33)1d8+[Spellcasting Modifier] hit points

A creature you touch regains 1d8+[Spellcasting Modifier] hit points.

This spell has no effect on undead or constructs.

  • Range: 1.5m/5ft
Lv 1 Conjuration Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (35)

Vines sprout from the ground, turning it into difficult terrain and possibly Entangling creatures within.

  • Attack/Save: Strength
  • Concentration: Required
  • Range: 18m/60ft
Faerie Fire
Lv 1 Evocation Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (37)
Action Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (38)Inflicts Faerie Fire (10)

Encase multiple targets in colourful light. The targets turns visible, and attack rolls against the targets have advantage.

  • Attack/Save: Dexterity
  • Concentration: Required
  • Range: 18m/60ft
Fog Cloud
Lv 1 Conjuration Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (40)
Action Create a cloud of dense frog. Creatures submerged in the fog are Heavily Obscured and Blinded.
  • Concentration: Required
  • Range: 18m/60ft
Lv 1 Transmutation Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (42)

Conjure four magical berries for youself or a companion. Creatures who eat a berry regain 1d4 hit points.

  • Range: 1.5m

The berries appear in the targeted creature's inventory and disappear after a long rest.

Healing Word
Lv 1 Evocation Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (44)
Bonus Action Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (45)1d4+[Spellcasting Modifier] hit points

A creature you can see regains 1d4+[Spellcasting Modifier] hit points.

This spell has no effect on Undeador Constructs.

  • Range: 18m/60ft
Lv 1 Transmutation Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (47)
Action Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (48)Inflicts Jump(10)

Touch a creature to triple its jumping distance.

  • Range: 1.5m/5ft
Lv 1 Transmutation Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (50)
Action Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (51)Inflicts Longstrider(1)

Touch a creature to increase its speed by 3m/10ft.

  • Range: 1.5m/5ft
Speak with Animals
Lv 1 Divination Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (53)
Action Inflicts Speak with Animals
Gain the ability to comprehend and verbally communicate with beasts.
Lv 1 Evocation Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (56)
Action Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (57)2d8 Thunder

Release a wave of thunderous force. It deals 2d8 Thunder and pushes away creatures and objects.

  • Attack/Save: Constitution
  • Range: 5m/17ft
Lv 2 Transmutation Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (59)
Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (60)
Level 2 Spell Slot

Touch a willing creature to toughen its skin and increase its Amiour Class up to 16.
Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (61)Until Long Rest

Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (62)Melee
Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (63)Concentration

Lv 2 Transmutation Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (65)
Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (66)
Level 2 Spell Slot Grant a creature the ability to see in the dark out to a range of 12m.
Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (67)Until Long Rest

Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (68)Melee

Enhance Ability
Lv 2 Transmutation Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (70)
Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (71)
Level 2 Spell Slot

Bestow a magical enhancement upon an ally. They gain Advantage on Ability Checks with a chosen Ability.

Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (72)Melee
Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (73)Concentration

Flame Blade
Lv 2 Evocation Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (75)
Bonus Action
Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (76)

Conjure a flaming scimitar in your hand that deals 3d6 Fire damage and sheds bright light in a 3m radius and dim light in a 6m radius.
The blade can be unequipped and equipped again, but has to stay on the spellcaster's person.

Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (77)Concentration

Flaming Sphere
Lv 2 Conjuration Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (79)
Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (80)
Level 2 Spell Slot

Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (81)2d6Fire

Summon a flaming sphere that damages nearby enemies and objects.
The sphere sheds bright light in a 6m radius, and dim light for an additional 6m.
Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (82)10 turns

Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (83)Range: 18m
Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (84)Radius: 2m
Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (85)DEX Save
Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (86)Concentration

Heat Metal
Lv 2 Transmutation Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (88)
Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (89)
Level 2 Spell Slot

Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (90)2d8 Fire

Cause a metal weapon or armour to glow red-hot and force the creature touching it to let go or receive Disadvantage on Attack Rolls and Ability Checks.
If the creature is only wearing metal armour, it always rcccivcs Disadvantage.
If the creature is still touching the metal, you can use a bonus action on subsequent turns to deal another 2d8 Fire damage and force the creature to let go or receive Disadvantage.

Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (91)10 turns

Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (92)Range: 18m
Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (93)CON Save
Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (94)Concentration

Hold Person
Lv 2 Enchantment Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (96)
Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (97)
Level 2 Spell Slot Paralyse a humanoid creature, making it unable to move or act.
Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (98)10 turns

Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (99)Range: 18m
Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (100)WIS Save
Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (101)Concentration

Lesser Restoration
Lv 2 Abjuration Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (103)
Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (104)
Level 2 Spell Slot Remove one disease or condition afflicting a creature.

Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (105)Melee

Mirror Image
Lv 2 (Circle of the Land Only) Illusion Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (107)
Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (108)
Level 2 Spell Slot Create 3 illusory duplicates of yourself that distract attackers. Each duplicate increases your Armour Class by 3.
Whenever you successfully evade an attack, one of the duplicates disappears.

Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (109)10 turns

Misty Step
Lv 2 (Circle of the LandOnly) Conjuration Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (111)
Bonus Action
Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (112)
Level 2 Spell Slot Surrounded bysilver mist, you teleport to an unoccupied space you can see.

Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (113)Range: 18m

Lv 2 Evocation Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (115)
Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (116)
Level 2 Spell Slot

Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (117)2d10 Radiant

Call down a silvery beam ofpale light that damages any creature that enters the beam or starts its turn in the light.
You can use an action to move the beam 18m.
Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (118)10 turns

Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (119)Range: 18m
Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (120)Radius: 1m
Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (121)CON Save
Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (122)Concentration

Pass without Trace
Lv 2 Abjuration Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (124)
Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (125)
Level 2 Spell Slot Call forth a veil of shadows and silence that gives you and all nearby companions a +10 bonus toStealthchecks.
Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (126)Until Long Rest

Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (127)Concentration

Protection from Poison
Lv 2 Abjuration Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (129)
Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (130)
Level 2 Spell Slot

Touch a creature togrant it protection against poisonious influences.
You neutralise all poisons affecting it, grant it Advantage on Saving Throws against being Poisoned, and grant it Resistance to Poison damage.

Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (131)Until Long Rest
Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (132)Melee

Spike Growth
Lv 2 Transmutation Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (134)
Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (135)
Level 2 Spell Slot

Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (136)2d4 Piercing

Shape a piece of ground into hard spikes. A creature walking on the spikes takes 2d4 Piercing damage for every 1.5m it moves.
The spikes are difficult terrain, halving a creature's Movement Speed.

Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (137)Range: 18m
Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (138)Radius: 6m
Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (139)Concentration

Call Lightning
Lv 3 Conjuration Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (141)
Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (142)
Level 3 Spell Slot Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (143)3d10
Call down lightning to hit all targets within range.
Each turn, can call down lightning again without expending aspell slot.
Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (144)10 Turns
Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (145)18mDruid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (146)2mDruid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (147)DEX SaveDruid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (148)Concentration
Lv 3 Evocation Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (150)
Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (151)
Level 3 Spell Slot Enchant an item to shine like the sun or summon a sphere of sunlight that dispels all darkness around it.
Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (152)18mDruid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (153)15m
Feign Death
Lv 3 Necromancy Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (155)
Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (156)
Level 3 Spell Slot Put an ally in a protective, magical coma deep enough to imitate death.
The Ally becomesResistantto all damage except psychic damage, and disease and poison no longer have any effect.
Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (157)10 Turns
Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (158)Melee
Plant Growth
Lv 3 Transmutation Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (160)
Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (161)
Level 3 Spell Slot Make weeds burst from the ground and smother the area. Creatures moving through the weeds have theirMovement Speedquartered.
Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (162)18mDruid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (163)6m
Protection from Energy
Lv 3 Abjuration Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (165)
Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (166)
Level 3 Spell Slot Touch a creature to grant itResistanceto Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, or Thunder damage.
Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (167)MeleeDruid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (168)Concentration
Sleet Storm
Lv 3 Conjuration Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (170)
Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (171)
Level 3 Spell Slot Call forth a storm of sleet that douses fires, creates an ice surface, and disrupts the concentration of spellcasters.
Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (172)18mDruid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (173)9mDruid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (174)Concentration
Conjure Minor Elemental
Lv 4 Conjuration Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (176)
Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (177)
Level 4 Spell Slot Conjure a minor elemental to fight alongside you.

Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (178)18m

Conjure Woodland Being
Lv 4 Conjuration Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (180)
Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (181)
Level 4 Spell Slot

Conjure a dryad to light alongside you. She can use Nature's Step. Entangle enemies. and Summon a wood woad.

Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (182)Until Long Rest

Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (183)18m

Freedom of Movement
Lv 4 Abjuration Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (185)
Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (186)
Level 4 Spell Slot Snap an ally out of any Stun. Difficult Terrain can't slow them down and they can't be magically Paralysed or Restrained.
Grasping Vine
Lv 4 Conjuration Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (188)
Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (189)
Level 4 Spell Slot

Summon a giant vine capable of dragging creatures towards itself.

Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (190)10 turns

Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (191)9m Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (192)Concentration

Ice Storm
Lv 4 Evocation Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (194)
Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (195)
Level 4 Spell Slot

6~40 Damage
Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (196)2d8 Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (197)Bludgeoning + 4d6Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (198)Cold

Impel a storm of hail and ice to crash from the sky, covering the ground and striking all objects and creatures within range.

Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (199)2 turns

Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (200) 6mDruid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (201)18mDruid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (202) Dex Save

Wall of Fire
Lv 4 Evocation Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (204)
Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (205)
Level 4 Spell Slot

5~40 Damage
Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (206)5d8Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (207)Fire

Create a blazing wall of fire, burning anyone who dares stand too close. Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (208)18m Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (209)DEX Save Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (210)Concentration

Lv 4 Transmutation Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (212)
Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (213)
Level 4 Spell Slot Transform a creature into a harmless sheep.

Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (214)5 turns

Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (215)18m Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (216)WIS Save Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (217)Concentration

Lv 4 Necromancy Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (219)
Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (220)
Level 4 Spell Slot 8~64 Damage
Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (221)8d8 Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (222)Necrotic

Plants are more susceptible to this spell: they roll with Disadvantage, and still take half of all the damage if they succeed the roll.

On Save: Target still takes half damage.

Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (223) No effect on undead and constructs.

Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (224)9m Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (225)CON Save

Lv 5 Necromancy Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (227)
Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (228)
Level 5 Spell Slot

If the spell attack hits, target is afflicted with a disease to choose from 6 proposed.

Blinding Sickness: Pain grips the creature's mind, and its eyes turn milky white. The creature has disadvantage on Wisdom checks and Wisdom saving throws and is blinded.

Filth Fever: A raging fever sweeps through the creature's body. The creature has disadvantage on Strength checks, Strength saving throws, and attack rolls that use Strength.

Flesh Rot: The creature's flesh decays. The creature has disadvantage on Charisma checks and vulnerability to all damage.

Mindfire: The creature's mind becomes feverish. The creature has disadvantage on Intelligence checks and Intelligence saving throws, and the creature behaves as if under the effects of the confusion spell during combat.

Seizure: The creature is overcome with shaking. The creature has disadvantage on Dexterity checks, Dexterity saving throws, and attack rolls that use Dexterity.

Slimy Doom: The creature begins to bleed uncontrollably. The creature has disadvantage on Constitution checks and Constitution saving throws. In addition, whenever the creature takes damage, it is stunned until the end of its next turn.

Greater Restoration
Lv 5 Abjuration Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (230)
Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (231)
Level5 Spell Slot Touch a creature and negate any Charm, petrified, Stun or curse afflicting it.
Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (232)Melee
Planar Binding
Lv 5 Abjuration Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (234)
Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (235)
Level5Spell Slot Target an otherworldly creature and attach its consciousness to your own. It will follow and fight for you as an ally.

Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (236)10 Turns

Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (237)Target must be a celestial, an elemental, a fey, or a fiend.

Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (238)18mDruid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (239)WIS SaveDruid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (240)Concentration

Conjure Elemental
Lv 5 Conjuration Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (242)
Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (243)
Level5Spell Slot Bend the barrier between the Planes until they disgorge an elemental ally to follow and fight for you.

Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (244)18m

Insect Plague
Lv 5 Conjuration Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (246)
Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (247)
Level5Spell Slot Creatures in a 20-ft-radius sphere must succeed on a Con. save or take 4d10 piercing damage (damage/lvl).
Mass Cure Wounds
Lv 5 Evocation Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (249)
Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (250)
Level5Spell Slot 6~27 Healing
Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (251) 3d8 + 3

Unleash a soothing lturn ofenetgy that heals you and nearby allies.

No effect on undead and constructs.

Wall of Stone
Lv 5 Evocation Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (253)
Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (254)
Level5Spell Slot Raise a wall of non magical, solid stone.
Wall of Thorns
Lv 6 Conjuration Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (256)
Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (257)
Level6 Spell Slot

7~56 Damage
Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (258)7d8 Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (259)Piercing

Create a wall of pliable, twisted thorns surrounded by Entangling vines.

Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (260)1 turn

Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (261)18mDruid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (262) DEX SaveDruid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (263)Concentration

Heroes' Feast
Lv 6 Conjuration Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (265)
Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (266)
Level6Spell Slot

You and everyone around can't be poisoned, diseased, or frightened. Your HP increases, and you make Wisdom Saves with Advantage.

Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (267)Until Long Rest

Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (268)18m

Lv 6 Evocation Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (270)
Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (271)
Level6Spell Slot 8~48 Damage
Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (272)6d8Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (273)Radiant
A beam fo brilliant light sears andBlindsall creatures in its path.
Until the spell ends, you can recast Sunbeam without expending aspell slot.

Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (274)10 Turns

On save: Targets still take half damage.

Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (275)18mDruid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (276)CONSave Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (277)Concentration

Lv 6 Evocation Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (279)
Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (280)
Level 6 Spell Slot

70 Healing

Heal a target's wounds and remove Blindness and any diseases.

Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (281)No affect on undead and constructs.


Flesh to Stone
Lv 6 Transmutation Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (283)
Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (284)
Level6Spell Slot Atrophy a foe,Restrainingthem until they temporarity turn to stone.
Target willPetrifyif it does not succed itsSaving Thorwwithin 3 turns.

Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (285)3 Turns

Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (286)18mDruid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (287)CONSaveDruid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (288)Concentration

Wind Walk
Lv 6 Transmutation Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (290)
Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (291)
Level6Spell Slot

Transform yourself and all nearby party members into tiny clouds of mist to avoid attacks.

Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (292)Until Long Rest

Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (293)While transformed, you won't be able to attack, cast, spells, or talk.

Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (294)9m

Flesh to Stone
Lv 6 Transmutation Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (296)
Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (297)
Level6Spell Slot Atrophy a foe,Restrainingthem until they temporarity turn to stone.
Target willPetrifyif it does not succed itsSaving Thorwwithin 3 turns.

Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (298)3 Turns

Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (299)18mDruid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (300)CONSaveDruid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (301)Concentration

Druid | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (2024)
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Author: Aron Pacocha

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Author information

Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

Address: 3808 Moen Corner, Gorczanyport, FL 67364-2074

Phone: +393457723392

Job: Retail Consultant

Hobby: Jewelry making, Cooking, Gaming, Reading, Juggling, Cabaret, Origami

Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.